Thursday, May 29, 2008

Words do Mean Something

"It's better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt."

Mark Twain

Twain was speaking about the reputation of a person being revealed by his language and words. He knew of what he spoke. Mark Twain quite often stated something too quickly, only to back up later and make amends for something he said.

Christians should choose their words carefully, but not to protect their own reputation. Jesus said we would give an account for every idle word. How many idle words will you speak today?

We are called upon to be salt and light to the world and that means we must speak truth when it is not apt to be accepted. This is when I believe we should be especially mindful of the way we communicate. Too often, we can revel in speaking truth in a harsh or condemning way, rather than with the love we need to convey for the person or situation we are speaking to. I know of what I speak. Too many times, the emotion of what I said trumped whatever truth may be contained. I will give an account for those words. So will you.

Charles Fortney

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