Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Too Busy to be a Blessing?

Wow the Christmas Season can be so overwhelming. Black Friday specials and other gift purchases, Christmas parties, wrapping gifts, traveling to and from family gatherings. Many times we let the busyness of the season take our eyes off of the reason for the season, the wonderful gift of Jesus Christ. He is God incarnate and His birth changed the course of humanity forever.
Particularly this time of year, we have numerous wonderful opportunities to be a blessing to others and to shine the light of Jesus to those that we come in contact with. Are you stressed out and showing your frustration in the line at Wal-Mart (guilty) or are you taking this opportunity to be different than most of the people that others come in contact with. Blackaby states in today's devotional, "You may not realize it, but your life has the potential to bless everyone you encounter. Are others strengthened and encouraged in their faith because of their relationship with you? Do you usually look at others in terms of what they can do for you or in terms of how you can encourage them?" Those are convicting words. They challenge me to leverage the opportunities that God gives me every day, and especially during the Christmas season, to bless others and to share the hope that I have in Christ which is the greatest gift that I could ever give someone.
May I challenge you as well to be a blessing this Christmas season and to proclaim to the world as the angels did, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

Praise God for His grace and the wonderful gift of Christ!

Mark Gilliam
Stewardship Minister

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