Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Icy Uncertainties

Today's devotional from Henry Blackaby talked about the difference between a life built on a solid foundation of biblical truth and a life vulnerable to passing storms. The challenges of life tend to make it abundantly clear what kind of foundation you have built your life upon.

The importance of a sturdy foundation was apparent to me this morning as I drove into work under a "Winter Storm Warning" that had left a considerable amount of ice on a number of streets in Bowling Green. As I drove into work at a slower speed than usual, two things became clear to me. Things are more stressful when you don't know the condition of your foundation and you tend to enjoy the journey a lot less.

Many Christians today approach their spiritual lives with as much joylessness and trepidation as me skating my way to work this morning in my '97 Saturn. Being unsure of what your life is built on, you proceed with caution while hoping not to hit any rough patches along the way.

This is not the life that Jesus died to give you. He came that we might have "life and have it abundantly" (Jn 10:10). This kind of life is built on the sure foundation of salvation by grace and a relationship with God won by the perfect righteousness of Christ. Is this the kind of life you are living?

- Matt Haste, College & Singles Ministry

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