Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Taking responsibility

Strive always to acknowledge and take responsibility for your own sins.

When Samuel confronts David about his sin against Uriah (II Samuel 12), he says, “Why have you despised the Word of the Lord by doing evil in His sight?” David’s response in verse 13 is, “I have sinned against the Lord.” This is true repentance, as expressed later in Psalm 51.
David had a clear understanding that he had sinned against God; in this clarity there is no room for excuse or denial or blame; there is simply a demand for brokenness and a return to obedience in repentance and forgiveness.
Sin despises the Word of God; sin cheapens the blood of Christ; sin damages the testimony of the believer. In contrast, the forgiveness offered through the blood of Christ highlights the Word of God, affirms the blood of Christ, repairs the testimony of the believer as grace is seen.
The book of I John is intent with instruction on forgiveness. I John 1:7… "the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin” and I John 1:9… "If we confess our sin, He is faithful to forgive…”. These promises we KNOW. Let us live in the light of this grace that we would be both responsible and repentant as we mature in the knowledge and love of our Savior. "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”

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