Monday, October 20, 2008

The Heart of Worship

I appreciate the profound truth of today's devotion. Worship is a vital part of the believer's life. If a person is not able to worship well in the community of the redeemed, over time their faith will falter and they will fail to remain faithful to God. Worship is a primary indicator of spiritual health. As worship of God goes, so goes your life.

Why is that? We are made to worship. We are creatures that worship by nature. We cannot help it. We are drawn to that which we perceive is greater than ourselves to seek to draw meaning, joy, and peace from it.

Everyone is standing in worship of something. The question is what? What you worship defines the quality of your life. If you are not able to worship God well, it is because you are standing in awe and worship of something else. You are seeking something and making it higher in your heart than God.

Examine your heart and see what you worship. Repent if necessary and seek to stand in awe of God and worship the only one worthy of our praise - Jesus.

Pastor Jason

1 comment:

Chad said...

I like what C. S. Lewis had to say about worship in his book "Mere Christianity." In that book he writes that our (human) engine is designed to run for the Glory of God. We're not designed to glorify anything else nearly as well. If we do glorify anything else, eventually the our engine breaks down destroying aspects of our lives and/or relationships, etc.

Ever since I read that, I like to share with people that we are designed to only do one thing really, really well; to glorify God. Ultimately we fall short of doing it perfectly, but I believe it's the thing in life we can do better than anything else. There is joy and peace in that alone.