Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Raising Our Expectations:Jeremiah 33:3

What a thought provoking devotional. It describes a path I have recently traveled as I searched for God's direction in my own life. Blackaby refers back to Exodus 4, where we find Moses being told by God, "so now go, I am sending you." We know that God promised two things for the Hebrew people: deliverance from Egypt and entrance into a new land. Yet, God commissioned Moses for only the first. God knew that due to his doubt, Moses would not enter the Promised Land. Moses "simply did not believe God could do His miraculous work through his life." Per Blackaby, "Moses' argument with God limited his ministry for the rest of his life."

Is there a work or service you or I are not being commissioned by God to do because of doubt that God can do His work through us?

In today's devotional we find Jeremiah, who in the face of extreme hardship, believed that nothing was too hard for God. In, the face of the destruction of Jerusalem and the enslavement of his people, Jeremiah knew Jerusalem would be restored and the people freed, although he personally could not see how.

Stepping out of our comfort zone and following God's leading for our life speaks mightily about our belief in Him. Pray for the removal of doubt and the growth of faith.

Bob Smith, Elder
March 11, 2008

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