Monday, September 15, 2008

The "Way of Escape"

I want to apologize to everyone who reads our prayer blog. I forgot my date on the 13th. I am not a natural blogger. It is very difficult for me. Some can maneuver all around the blog world and find out all kinds of information, but as for me…just pray for me some blog skills.

Have you ever read the scripture from 1 Corinthians 10:13b, “God is faithful and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able.” I love that scripture. It makes me feel good to know that God protects me. At times, though, in the middle of temptation or after I fall to sin… I am wondering what happened to that protection. I was recently reading over that particular text and verse 13c caught my attention, “but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape, so that you are able to bear it.” God will provide a way for us.

This reminds me of the story of Abraham and Isaac from Genesis 22. God provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead of his son Isaac (you all know the story). The point is that God provided. This gives me a good picture of the “way of escape” that God provides for us during times of temptation. We know that God follows through on His promises; so, the protection is there. Many times, I think we don’t see what God provides. Who knows why? Maybe some people just like to sin? Maybe some people are clueless to what is going on? Or, maybe people just try to take on the devil on their own.

So, what am I missing in times of trouble? How many times have I passed over God’s protection? It is a consuming thought. I pray that all of us can always look for those “ways of escape” from God and take them. Not only will it protect us…it will bring us closer to God.

Jeff Carlisle
Missions Pastor

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