Saturday, May 17, 2008

He spoke with Authority

In Blackaby's devotional today he quotes the Gospel of Mark that speaks to the people's reaction to Jesus' teaching. What astonished the people listening to Jesus was that "He taught them as one having authority".

Who do you recognize as having authority in your life? The Police? Your boss? While those people have been given authority in your life, the ultimate authority over our lives should be Christ.

In our New Testament reading today we read about the Crucifixion and as I read this passage again and reflected on today's devotional it hit me that One of the criminal's recognized Christ's authority even though, based on his conviction and death sentence, he did not live as a Christ Follower. Even the centurion, who would have been in charge of the crucifixion, "seeing what had happened, praised God and said, 'Surely this was a righteous Man' (Luke 23:47). In Matthew and Mark's gospel the centurion refers to Jesus as the Son of God.

Luke's passage goes on to say in verse 48 that "When all the people who had gathered to witness this sight saw what took place, they beat their breasts (a sign of contrition and anguish) and went away."

Just a few hours before, none of these people expressed that Christ was their authority but now after seeing the crucifixion and the subsequent events recognized Christ's authority. Do you ever let others, or yourself, be the authority in your life? I know I do. It takes daily prayer and reading and meditating on the word of God to keep me on track (or get me back on track). As believers we have to constantly concentrate on the cross and God's word in order to be reminded of the one who should be in control of every facet of our lives.

Believers, who is your authority? Who should it be? What do you need to do today to get back on track if needed?

Non-believers, who is yours? I challenge you today to recognize the one who loves you more than you can imagine as the supreme authority in your life today. Any of our staff would love the opportunity to speak to you about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It won't guarantee you riches, good health or an easy life. What it will guarantee you is an eternity in peace and in the presence of the only one worthy of your allegiance, Jesus Christ. Make today the day that you turn over the authority of your life to Him.

Mark Gilliam
Stewardship Minister

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