Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happiness can be good… or sinful

What if someone said, “Happiness is a sin”? Those are fighting words! What a shocking, scandalous statement! Actually, happiness is a sin when it conflicts with the will of God. But wait a minute! Doesn’t God want us to be happy? Nowhere is scripture does God say that it is His priority for us to be happy. As Pastor Jason has said on many occasions, “God is more concerned about our character than our comfort.” However, scripture does often refer to the joy of the Lord. For example, in John 15:10-11 we read:

“If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

Our joy… our happiness should always depend primarily upon the love and approval that comes from God. When we depend on others to be our sole source of happiness, then we’re always going to be disappointed because imperfect people love imperfectly. However, the perfect, unconditional love that comes from our Heavenly Father always provides what we need in order to experience this “peace that transcends all understanding.” I strongly believe God wants us to experience the joy and happiness of loving relationships with our family and friends, but His glory and their salvation should be our utmost concern.

When we allow our personal pursuit of happiness to consume us, to be our daily motivator, our goal in life, the primary focus of our marriage, the reason for having children, then we have not honored God. As a result, the very thing we desperately seek will elude us.

In today’s devotion, Blackaby states, “If Christ is your model for ministry, you cannot avoid going to the cross for the sake of others.” He talks about paying a great price and suffering to help bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ. If you’re not experiencing pain, suffering, and persecution, you are probably not doing all God has called you to do to bring the gospel to those in your sphere of influence.

Make no mistake, our friends’ and family members’ eternal security is far more important than our temporary happiness. When, we start living for God’s glory, His Holy Spirit will empower us to boldly proclaim the gospel. Then and only then will our joy… and happiness… be complete.

Robert Duvall

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